South East asia
2 Months, 6 Countries
My first ever backbacking trip across Asia, armed with just a phone camera to shoot with

I've always had a lust for travelling, exploring new places and meeting new people. There is something about the stories of people in far away lands that captures the soul in ways that can't be described unless you go and do it for yourself.
What started off as a two week break ended up being over 2 months of travel across South East Asia, having needed all of five minutes of convincing by a friend to extend my plans - in his own words, "don't be an idiot, what's the point of going all the way there for 2 weeks"
Inspired/angered by his trash talk I agreed to join him and another friend out in Bali, and would spend the next ten days wandering across the island, followed by another ten days in India, two weeks in the Philippines, two in Cambodia, two more in Vietnam, and finally a couple of days in Thailand.
As there are already plenty of blogs about describing everything you can do in these countries, I won't bore anyone with the gap yah stories here, but if you meet me in person I'll be happy to talk about it!
I always get asked which of these was my favourite...but in truth it's impossible to pick. Every one of these places is unique in its own way. Talking to locals was always a fascinating experience. It sounds cliche but hearing a new perspective on life can be a real catalyst for personal growth, so forget what your parents told you and talk to strangers!! (with caution of course!)